Thursday, 4 May 2017

Oil For The Light...

The effect of premarital Sex can be detrimental (Part 2)

The RELATIONAL, SPIRITUAL, PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL pain countless young people  have suffered after deciding not to wait for sex until marriage are really very devastating, you can't avoid to join the list. 
v  Having premarital sex was the mo st horrifying experience of my life. It wasn’t at all the emotionally satisfying or the casually taken experience the world perceives it to be, I felt as if my insides were being exposed and my heart left unattended.
v  It’s not a pretty picture. It’s not a TV soap opera either; the reality of pregnancy out Side of marriage is scary and lonely. To have premarital sex was my choice one hot June night, forcing many decisions I thought I would never have to make. Those decisions radically changed my life.
v  It took losing mu virginity at a very young age, losing my self-respect and possibly my fertility, helping to ruin another person’s marriage and family life, acquiring a non-curable virus, not getting the fulfillment that should provide in marriage, and living with the guilty that Satan always tries to make me feel… for me to realize how detrimental sex before marriage can really be.

v  I love him. He said he loved me too. But after we did it, he called me all sorts of names and left me. The reason I am writing is, I don’t understand this we went together for months and I thought we had something special …I really need help I have this feeling that no one cares about me and no matter what I do I am not able to make any man happy. If it’s not too much trouble, could you write me back and tell me what to do? I’d appreciate it.

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Leadership Training, April,2017

In the course of the training 14 persons surrendered their lives to Christ and 25 rededicated their lives. 
Please pray along that this ones will remain stable and focus. 
Thank you for partnering with us in reaching these young adult together.

The effect of premarital Sex can be detrimental (Part 1)

The effect of premarital Sex can be detrimental. Countless students are crying out because they are hurt, disillusioned, and despairing after premarital sex.
Look into the pain-filled hearts of several young people who have intimately shared with us the emotional pain they have suffered after deciding not to wait for sex until marriage.
v  Premarital sex gave me fear as a gift… and shame to wear as a garment. It stole my peace of mind and robbed me of hope in a bright future. Sex smashed my concentration in class to smithereens. My desire for church activities was ground to a pulp. It made crumbs of the trust I had known in Christ… and in men and women. Sex gave me jagged tear in my heart that even now, seven years, is still healing.
v  Can you help me? I’m thirteen and I’ve just ruined my life. I thought Mike really loved me, but last night we had sex for the first time and this morning he told my girlfriend that he didn’t want to see me anymore. I thought giving Mike what he wanted would make him happy and he’d love me more. What if I’ pregnant? What am I going to do? I feel so alone and confused… I can’t talk to my parents, so could you please write me back and help me. I don’t know how I can go on.

v  Having premarital sex was the most horrifying experience of my life. It wasn’t at all the emotionally satisfying or the casually taken experience the world perceives it to be, I felt as if my insides were being exposed and my heart left unattended. 

Saturday, 15 April 2017

2nd Term Rally, 2017 
2nd Term Rally, 2017
A day conference (Rally) held in eight (8) different centres with 2444 students in attendance. 
It was really awesome, activities across the centres were Bible study, Lifeskills, Talk and Academic Seminar. 
Praying that lives reached will keep a focus heart. 
2nd Term Rally, 2017
Students Taking Choruses
 during 2nd Term Rally, 2017

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Thursday, 6 April 2017

This is a question we really need to answer, the day is at hand. Friends, what will your EPITAPH say? the best time of making correction is when you're still having opportunity to do so.

2018 RECAP

2018 RECAP Expect brief RECAP on some few activities from FCS Kaduna.